Tuesday, December 18, 2007


根据省环保局及东莞市环保局相关规定,在东莞市环保局的大力支持下,在东莞地区开展业务,能为企业在申办ISO14000环境认证过程中办理危废报批及提供五联单服务,使企业顺利通过ISO14000认证解决后顾之忧。 深圳市东江环保股份有限公司是经环保部门认可,...


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

小栗旬扮帅气版柯南 共通点是“自信”



《给工藤新一的挑战书》剧情是以工藤新一与毛利兰在帝丹高中的一趟校外教学中,所发生的悬疑案件为主轴,虽然没有个子小的柯南出场,但小栗旬和众演员的生动演技还是超有看头。负责代理柯南动画版的群英社已经推出这部《给工藤新一的挑战书》DVD,期待大家来一起解开真相。 (本文来源:网易娱乐 )

Thursday, November 8, 2007


联村包户共建和谐本报讯科左中旗在加快经济发展的同时,不断加大生态建设与环境管护力度,着力发展生态旅游业。近日,他们将300只狐狸、獾子成功放归乌斯吐自然保护区。 狐狸爱上熊



Sunday, August 26, 2007

Transcript: Democratic Response to Bush's Radio Address

This week, President Bush gave a speech comparing the ongoing war in Iraq to the Vietnam War. He used this analogy in his latest plea to the American people for yet more time to continue his war.

I know something about the Vietnam War. I know something about the price that was paid for continuing that war long after it was clear we could not succeed. I know something about years of war failing to produce a stable, secure and democratic country.

I know something about enemy attacks increasing and taking an ever higher toll on our troops. Fifty-eight thousand young Americans were killed in Vietnam; 350,000 were wounded. I was one of them.

There are similarities between the war in Iraq and the war in Vietnam. One of the lessons to be learned from Vietnam is that the commitment of American military strength alone cannot solve another country's political weakness. This should be a somber warning to us all to responsibly end the war in Iraq and the additional loss of precious American lives.

Congress has required the president to issue a report soon on the state of the war. This assessment gives him yet another opportunity to do the right thing and change course in Iraq.

Unfortunately, it appears he will continue to argue that, if the American people and the U.S. Congress will just be patient, things will work out. He is likely to say that, given more time, victory is just around the corner. He is likely to argue that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

But like political leaders during the Vietnam era, this president has a "credibility gap." The majority of Americans see a profound difference between President Bush's optimistic rhetoric and the grim reality which lies beneath. Our history in Vietnam and the facts on the ground in Iraq today prove the American people are right.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Donovan attempts to leave Orlando

GAINESVILLE — Two sources within the University of Florida athletic department confirmed late Sunday to Florida Today that Billy Donovan has changed his mind after signing a five-year, $27.5 million deal on Friday to coach the Orlando Magic and wants out of the contract.

Meanwhile, Virginia Commonwealth coach Anthony Grant, who was an assistant under Donovan for 10 seasons at Florida and was expected to be named his replacement, released a statement Sunday night saying he has not been offered the Gator job - as many had anticipated.

Foxsports.com initially reported that Donovan had a change of heart, which was confirmed by UF sources to FLORIDA TODAY. ESPN.com also reported that Donovan wants to stay in Gainesville.